
Our primary goal in delivering your workshop will be to help you achieve a sustainable change in behaviour. Without this you cannot achieve a Return on Investment (RoI). We need to understand from you the change in behaviour you are seeking so that we can customise the delivery of content to ensure you achieve it. Often management of professional staff seek a shift from Task to Outcome and from Technology focus to Stakeholder focus. We are keen to hear the change in behaviour, that you are seeking.

Our workshops are built using our behavioural change framework to ensure that you maximise the likelihood that your staff apply the learnings of the event.

We hope that by the end of the program your staff will join with so many of our previous participants in buying-in to the accountability as outlined here:

The Service Accountability

"If I consciously & competently build engagement with each of my stakeholders at every touchpoint, understanding that each stakeholder has their own personality that I need to get to know, and adjust my style towards them, and if I take care to learn before leading, use influence & authority appropriately, and I proactively set and manage expectations, then every stakeholder can be as easy and productive to work with, as my Best Stakeholder!"

As service providers it is our accountability to manage a positive relationship with our stakeholders and clients, yet sometimes we get complacent, and other times we assume that our stakeholders will like to work the same way as we do. We may assume that engagement will grow automatically, or it might be that some of the things we do inadvertently detract from the relationship we are trying to build. We can become consciously more proficient at managing our stakeholder relationships, and the lift in productivity can be astounding when that happens.

We look forward to helping you lift productivity through the development of your staff.