JHW model for Behavioural Change

Each workshop conducted by JHW is designed around a 5 step model to encourage behavioural change. Click on any of the stages below to reveal the significance and detail of that step. Key behavioural change tools are the Learning Log, Apps and ThinK! Book which is used during and beyond the workshop. You can also click on their symbols for further details.

Shift the Mindset

Refresh the Skills

Put it into Practice

Review and Feedback

Post Workshop Reunion

Learning Log
Think! Book

Sustaining the Skills

Post-Workshop Reunions

Each workshop conducted by JHW is designed around a 5 step model to encourage behavioural change. Click on each of the stages below to reveal the significance and detail of that step. A key behavioural change tool is the Learning Log, which is used during and beyond the workshop. You can also click on the Learning Log for further details.

You Attend the Workshop

Use the techniques

Mentor Direct Reports



Learning Log

JHW is keen to work with client management to help implement workshop follow up to ensure that your organisation gets full value from its investment. JHW facilitators are available for post workshop coaching and mentoring sessions.